Melissa Benson

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reflecting on the seasons

I love how nature reflects Your glory.⁣⁣
Your creativity.⁣⁣
Your ways.⁣⁣
I love how You’ve given us seasons in the natural to show us what’s true in the spirit.⁣⁣
That there are always different seasons of life.⁣⁣
Periods where old ways and relationships - bits of the old me - must die.⁣⁣
Others of letting go, shedding, pruning.
Some seasons characterized by resurrection, budding new life and fresh breaths.⁣⁣
Other times when the light’s so bright and Your presence so real, we just get to bask.⁣⁣
I love that though You are constant, You are ever-moving.⁣⁣
And I love that You’re in every single season, ever-working.⁣⁣
Help me not to miss a thing.⁣⁣⁣